Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Did you know that bedbugs are still a problem in the world? I had never thought about it much, but now I think about it a lot! The little vampires invaded our apartment recently and the exterminator had to come out the day I got here to spray for them. And now we get to keep everything in plastic bags for ten days. So much for settling into my new place! I just pray that this will get rid of them! You can pray for that, too, if you'd like! I'd be grateful.

I knew virtually nothing about these nasty creatures before now. If you want to learn more, here's an article from The New York Times you can check out about the current epidemic.... http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/27/nyregion/27bugs.html?incamp=article_popular ...or another info sheet on about.com.... http://manhattan.about.com/od/citylife1/a/bedbugsbites.htm

These things are all over the place. You don't have to live in a dirty apartment to get them...ask residents of the Upper East Side. I itch everytime I think about them (bedbugs that is, not Upper East Siders). And when I think about the phrase, "cute as a bug in a rug", I only think of this:


Janelle and Ella said...

Ohhh, gross! I'm so sorry.

Krista said...

Just the thought of bedbugs.....ewwww....scratch, scratch...