Monday, March 31, 2008
The Artist's Way
One of the highlights of my move to New York has been The Artist's Way. I’ll try to summarize what this is, though it won’t be a perfect summary. Basically, The Artist’s Way is a book/workbook that is to help artists (i.e. visual artists, writers, actors, musicians, etc...) who are blocked in their creativity, for people who are interested in art but have not explored it, or for people (such as businessmen, whatever...) who would like to be more creative in their lives and businesses. The author comes from the perspective that we are created by God, The Great Creator, and He has made us creative beings. Unfortunately, many people need help to recover their creativity. I am attending an Artist's Way meeting of ten people on Tuesday nights where we discuss the book and the exercises given in the book. The book is not written only for Christians to go through, but because everyone in my meeting are Christians we really get to discuss these things from a biblical perspective and pray together. Three of the people at the meeting (including the group leader) attend my church. I am very excited about this, as well!
Just yesterday I was walking in Manhattan and saw an art store, so I bought some supplies to try some watercolor painting, which I had been thinking about lately. Today I am a candidate to teach art at a private school. Who knows what will happen? I am on Cloud Nine right now about the possibilities (and a little nervous, too). I tend to be skeptical and question if things I see as good things are really blessings from the Lord. Throughout this entire experience of moving to New York, I am starting to see that God really does have good things to give us. Maybe things won't all work out like I want, but God has been good and kind to me. He continues to be. I hope I am learning.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Straphanger Sprint (or Why Must The G Train Torment Us?)

1. a passenger who stands in a crowded bus or subway train and holds onto a strap or other support suspended from above.
2. any user of such public transportation.

New York is like that.


Monday, March 10, 2008
Union Square

Walking to Union Square and sometimes finding what new issue is being rallied for/against is one of my favorite things to do in New York so far. For one thing, it's interesting to see groups of people gathered to make a statement. I haven't seen a lot of that in my experiences, I guess. Also, it's interesting to see people who care so passionately about an issue that they would organize a gathering to let a lot of people know about it. It makes me wonder what I care about that strongly. I realize just attending a rally doesn't make one a great fighter for peace or justice. But it certainly shows that one is taking a stand for something they find to be important.
The lower picture shows the equestrian George Washington statue that stands in the square. In the background you can see the top of the Empire State Building.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My First NYC Rally

Second, I attended a very interesting rally in Union Square that was meant to raise awareness of Human Trafficking in hopes of putting an end to it. I was on the subway in Brooklyn and I saw a young man walking through the car handing out literature, so I started reading the paper, hoping to deter him from approaching me. He was not detered and got my attention anyway. The postcard he handed me told about the rally and since I was going to be in the area that day, I decided to check it out. I had never been to Union Square. As it turns out, I was very glad I went. The rally was put on by YWAM (Youth With A Mission), but they gave information on a lot of organizations working with this issue. I will add another entry here soon about Human Trafficking, with more information about it.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I knew virtually nothing about these nasty creatures before now. If you want to learn more, here's an article from The New York Times you can check out about the current epidemic.... ...or another info sheet on
These things are all over the place. You don't have to live in a dirty apartment to get them...ask residents of the Upper East Side. I itch everytime I think about them (bedbugs that is, not Upper East Siders). And when I think about the phrase, "cute as a bug in a rug", I only think of this: