Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Few Images From My House

Most of my furniture has been hauled away. I had to clear out my room to make space so I could sort my belongings, and figure out what to store, what to pack and what to throw away. Here's a peek at what's left.

I've armed myself against my cold. So far, it looks like our side is winning!
(This has nothing to do with my room, but I thought I'd throw it in anyway.)

This is my new filing cabinet.

This is part of my new dresser.
This is the corner where I am sleeping and packing my bags.
This is my new sleep number bed (minus the numbers). I can make it as firm or as soft as I want. And Lord-willing, it won't get any holes in it before next week (at least!).

1 comment:

Janelle and Ella said...

That is hilarious!! I am chuckling at my desk. I love the "sleep number bed (minus the number)"! So funny!